What is Online Service Business? | Brief Introduction

Let’s Learn About Online Service Business in this article.

Starting a Business nowadays has become very easy because you don’t need anything extra to start one.

You can start a business just by having an Internet connection and a Laptop or PC or you can even start a business using a smartphone.

There are so many types of online businesses that you can start but generally, every online business falls into one of the following two types;

1) Services based online Business

2) Products based online business

Here in this article, we’re going to talk about Service-Based Online Business and in the next article, we’ll talk about Product Based Online Business.

Service based online business 

What is Service Based Online Business?

In Online Service based online business, you sell your time and expertise in exchange for money.

You also provide people services that may help them to grow and add value to their businesses or lives.

It could be any service starting from cleaning services to Online Marketing to Cyber Security etc.

If you provide Offline services, you can also book clients or get leads from the internet.

How to Start?

The online Service Business Industry is growing rapidly Since Covid-19 started because a significant number of physical businesses are now being transformed into Full Online Businesses and those businesses need different services (that we’ll discuss later) to run their business.

To start a Service-Based Online Business, You need to find a topic or niche and then find a skill that you’re interested in. Then you need to learn that skill. You can learn almost everything while sitting in your home for both free and paid. 

What is the Potential in Service-Based Online Businesses?

The Online Service Business industry is growing in Covid. So, there’s a huge demand and scope in the Service Industry.

As you help businesses to grow their business and nowadays many businesses are transferring to online or people are starting their new online businesses. 

So, you can add value to their businesses and lives by providing them with your services. 

Now, it means that the Online service industry is growing fast and it will keep on growing in future too.

Different Business Models in Service-Based Online Businesses: 


As an individual, if you want to start Service Business then you can start from Freelancing.

To become a Freelancer, the procedure is the same: you have to learn a skill, get experience in it, market it to the right people and get clients.

I’ve described Freelancing in detail in this article.

Digital Agency

In the Agency model, You can work with 2 to 3 or more freelancers and build a team of people in your related field.

We can also say, Digital Agency is the next stage of Freelancing. When you are ready to scale and expand your Freelancing Business then you can create an Agency and start providing services to more clients.

How to scale?

In Online Service Business, you start as a freelancer and then you can hire some employees to expand your business and can form a company.


You can partner up with other people and can form an Online Service Agency.

For Example, You’re a Web Developer and you’re getting enough clients to make a living but now you want to scale your business. So, to do this you can partner up with a Web Designer and SEO Expert to expand your business and can provide your clients with different packages and a wide range of services that they may need and they can get all in one place.

Service-based Online Business ideas

Here are some service ideas that you can learn and start a business around that:

1. Web Development and Designing 

2. Digital Marketing Services

3. Social Media Marketing Services

4. Graphics Designing

5. Video Editing/ Production

6. Virtual Assistant

7. Content Writing

8. Copywriting

9. Accounting/Finance

10. App/ Game Developing


There are so many Platforms where you can start promoting and marketing your services and start getting clients. You’ll have to find out which services work best for you. Here we’re going to list 8 of them:

1. Facebook/ Instagram

2. Pinterest

3. YouTube

4. Fiverr

5. Guru

6. Freelancer

7. Upwork

8. People Per Hour

It’s a brief introduction to Service-Based Online Business.

If you have any ideas, questions or want to discuss something then you can comment below or Contact Us.

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